Benchmarking with a true set

This workflow is used in our project to benchmark the sites identified in our call sets for a certain sample with a reference call set for which the calls have enough quality to be considered true positives.

Additionally, this workflow will also compare the phased genotypes in our call sets with the ones identified in the reference call set.


  • Nextflow

This pipeline uses a workflow management system named Nextflow. This software can be downloaded from:

  • Bgzip and Tabix

Bgzip and Tabix are part of the HTSlib project, which can be downloaded from:

  • BCFTools
  • IGSR-analysis code base

The scripts needed to run this workflow can be downloaded by cloning the IGSR-analysis github repo from:

Using Docker or Singularity

If you want to skip the installation of these dependencies you can pull the Docker Image from:

docker pull elowy01/igsr_analysis:latest

or build the Singularity image by using:

singularity build igsr_analysis.simg docker://elowy01/igsr_analysis

How to run the pipeline

  • You can start your pipeline by doing:

    nextflow run $IGSR_CODEBASE/scripts/VCF/QC/BENCHMARKING_TRUESET/ --vt snps --vcf VCF --true TRUE.vcf.gz --filt_str "PASS,." --chros chr20
    --high_conf_regions highconf.file.bed --calc_gtps true -with-singularity igsr_analysis.simg
  • $IGSR_CODEBASE is the folder containing the igsr codebase downloaded from
  • --vcf is the VCF that will be benchmarked with the true set. Notice that you will need to create a tabix index of this file before running this pipeline
  • --true is the path to the VCF containing the true call set
  • --chros is the chromosome that will be analyzed. i.e.: chr20
  • --vt is the parameter used to set the type of variants that will be analyzed. i.e. 'snps'/'indels'
  • --calc_gtps if true, then the genotype concordance between --true and --vcf will be calculated
  • --filt_str Filter string used by BCFTools in order to subset a certain subset of variants to be analysed. i.e. "PASS,."
  • --high_conf_regions BED file used to control the genomic regions for which the benchmarking will be done. This parameter is optional
  • --calc_gtps If ‘true’ then the genotype concordance between --vcf and --true will be calculated
  • -with-singularity Parameter used to specify the Singularity image that Nextflow will use to run the workflow. This parameter is optional

Pipeline output

This worklow will create a folder name results/ with the following relevant files:

  • TP_true.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites that were idendified both in our call set and in the true call set

  • TP.stats

Are the stats calculated by running bcftools stats TP.vcf.gz

  • FP.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites identified in our call set and absent in the true call set

  • FP.stats

Are the stats calculated by running bcftools stats FP.vcf.gz

  • FN.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites that were not idendified in our call set and are present in the true call set

  • FN.stats

Are the stats calculated by running bcftools stats FN.vcf.gz

  • TP_true.highconf.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites from the true call set that were idendified both in our call set and in the true set but restricted to the regions passed with params.high_conf_regions

  • TP_target.highconf.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites from the target call set that were idendified both in our call set and in the true call set but restricted to the regions passed with params.high_conf_regions

  • TP.highconf.stats

Are the stats calculated for the sites identified both in the true and target call sets

  • FP.highconf.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites identified in our call set and absent in the true call set but restricted to the regions passed with params.high_conf_regions

  • FP.highconf.stats

Are the stats calculated by running bcftools stats FP.highconf.vcf.gz

  • FN.highconf.vcf.gz

Will contain the set of sites that were not idendified in our call set and are present in the true call set but restricted to the regions passed with params.high_conf_regions

  • FN.highconf.stats

Are the stats calculated by running bcftools stats FN.highconf.vcf.gz

  • GT_concordance.txt

This file contains the tables produced after comparing the phased genotypes in our call set with the true call set